Category Archives: Perspectives

Shelter from a Stranger

Glenn Highway in the Winter

Glenn Highway in the Winter

My husband and I lived in Alaska for several years. While we were there God placed many people in our lives who showed us hospitality in generous ways.  One family in particular I will never forget.  Today I would like to share the story of how they blessed us by their hospitality.

Will and I lived in Glennallen, which is about 200 miles northeast of Anchorage by way of the Glenn Highway.  We often drove to Anchorage for shopping trips or to go to the airport.  On this particular day in October of 2004 we were driving back home to Glennallen at night.  We left Anchorage around 8:00 in the evening and began the long drive home.  We soon ran into snow, but by the time we realized how bad the snow storm was we had no option but to keep going, so we did.

It was not an easy drive.  We were crossing a mountain range; the roads were winding and narrow.  Sometimes there were very steep drop-offs, and there were no guardrails.  I prayed constantly as we were driving, “Lord, please don’t let us go off the road.”

We continued on for many hours until eventually we could go no further.  The snow was too deep, and our car could not make it up the hill.  We knew that it wouldn’t be wise to spend the night in the car on the side of the highway, especially considering my fragile health, but there was no way to get home until the roads were plowed.

God was watching over us, and He caused us to become stuck in the snow very close to Victory Bible Camp, a Christian camp in the Chugach Mountains.  We decided that we would turn around, drive back down the hill, and drive down the camp road as far as we could.

There were many missionaries who lived year-round at Victory Bible Camp, but we did not personally know any of them.  We were going to have to ask a stranger for help.  We drove until we got stuck, and then knocked on the door of the nearest house.  By this time it was 2:00am.  A startled and sleepy man answered the door, and we said, “Hi; we are Will and Rachel Lundy from Alaska Bible College.  We’re stranded in the snowstorm, and our car is stuck in your driveway.  May we stay here for the night?”

This man graciously opened his door and invited us into his family’s home.  He told us that earlier that day his wife had put clean sheets on the guest room bed and clean towels in the guest bathroom.  We were welcomed to make ourselves at home.

Weary from the intense driving, we crawled into bed, grateful for a safe, warm place to lay our heads for the night.  We were so exhausted that we didn’t wake up until 9:00 in the morning.  We showered and dressed and nervously went downstairs to meet the family who was hosting us.

The man we had met the night before was out plowing the camp roads, so we never got to see him again.  However, we did meet his lovely wife and children.  His wife gave us breakfast and talked with us as if it was the most normal thing for us to be in her kitchen!  She said that we could come back anytime we needed a place to stay.  Wow!  How is that for hospitality?!

Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers…” (NIV).  How thankful I am that this family chose to welcome us into their home in our time of need.  They spared us from a long, cold night in our car.  I cannot remember the name of the family who opened their home to us, but I will never forget their godly example in showing hospitality to strangers in need.  I am so thankful for their willingness to give us a safe, warm place to spend the night.  Their hospitality continues to inspire and encourage me today.

Photo Credit: Kelsey Gray


Filed under Perspectives